viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

The Bluest Eye ( Toni Morrison) Code: 813M883.E

The story is about a black girl called Pecola, she belongs to avery poor and breake up family. Pecola is a girl who had sufered too much in life, since her father was alcoholic, and her mother a woman who live in an unreal world, because she think that the world was what she have seen in television: a happy and perfect white families. When in Pecola’s house there was conflicts, parents argues, etc. She used to hide her self, and she started to think in that she has beautyful blue eyes (as Shirley Temper) that made that everybody stop to fight and love her. However, The life of Pecola turns worse when her father raped her, and nobody could help her,she got pregnant, then she lost the baby, but her father rapes her again, finally she got crazy, and she assume that she got blue eyes (is a tragedy). The story is related by a very young girl (Claudia), a friend of Pecola, who despite to be younger than Pecola, she could see the world with sensibility and objectively, because she can not understand why she should want to be alike to a charcter that appears on TV, when she saw that everyone have a singular beauty and kindness.
In my opinion, the writer is trying to show the awful reality that the poor black people live, because of discrimination. They feel apart from the society since in that period of the history people were more racist and ignorant. furthermore, Afroamerican people lived something like a sub-life, in which they accepted their kind of life, or almost some of them really think that they were lower than a white person.
I think that, the main topic of the book is that create images in television or magazines are always telling us what is the concept of beauty, when basically, the concept of beauty is abstract. Moreover, maybe put icons of everything such as, beauty, fashion, to name but two, it makes society separates more, beacuse when you feel that you do not fit in with some trend, you tend to feel apart from the society.

2 comentarios:

  1. I want to read this book, actually it is in my list of reading. I don't understand why have to worry about the beuty, that they need to be slim, perfect eyes, nose, hair... that sucks! I'm not fat neither slim, but I'm happy, maybe I am a little overweight because when run I get tired easily. But I don't care about what television said about beauty, for me I'm totally beautiful, for other I'm not... Who cares!

  2. I have to say that I watch lots of fashion's TV shows and that kind of things, and I know people who watch them, too. It is really sad to realize that most of young girls, that want to be like their favourite celebrities, could do some stupid things, for example, stop eating or vomit.
    I think that take care of ourselves is good, but we have to learn that it is not everything in life.
