jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Feedback to these clases

This course has been very varied; since, we have many differents activities, such as this blog, and the song days... to name but two.

jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010


Flow is a psychological treatment or therapy, which is focused on the feeling of the patient when is doing some activity or their daily routine. Most of people feel uncomfortable with their own activities, because they don’t feel any connection with it. However, Flow therapy is considering one of the most successful treatments to cope with the stress of the daily routine.
Life satisfaction is a feeling change into a person in which the person feel that is progressing in some aspects of their own life; moreover, people feel a change in their attitude on things or situations that before seemed unpleasant for them.

To begin with, these therapies are considering important; because, they are focused on the emotional motivation of people, and how they feel doing things that are vital for people, like work. For this reason, when people don’t feel motivated with what they are doing, or they think that there aren’t progress in things they do, they tend to get depress; because, they feel asphyxiate by their own life.

These therapies are mostly applied into the work area of the person; since, here the person spend the most part of the time, so many people feel unhappy with their jobs; in addition, they can find a connection or sense in between their jobs and their life. Nonetheless, Flow and Life satisfaction therapies help people to find this connection; in order to this, they work on the self-esteem of the patient, making them feel more secure of their own skills. Another step is making that they being focused in the present, so the time is not a problem, also this make increase the efficiency at work.

I think that, now it would make me happy to get good grades; since that, will make me feel less stress, so then, I would be able to have great vacations.

a person who inspired me; because of, his positiveness is my grandfather, he is always joking, and making me laugh, so I get happy when I'm with him. I think that, he can see the funny and positive side of everything; therefore, he has the ability to make pleasant the moment you stay with him. People say that he never take something in serious, but I thing that his philosophy of life is, there is nothing to much important to make you die, except death.
I never doubt to visit him.

A good job

I think that people who are usually unhappy with they own jobs, is because they never had the possibility to know themselves; for this reason, they would never know what they want to do with their life’s, and as a consequence, they will choose the wrong job.
I think that, a job that I would like to do sometimes is being a hairdresser, I really enjoy cutting hear of someone else, and try to make it with style… I like to see the face of the person after I cut his/her hear, if I achieve the expectations of my “client”… hahaha. I don’t know if is something that I would like to do for the rest of my life, but I enjoy it when I do it.
In my opinion, a satisfying job to do is being a teacher, because teachers have the opportunity to teach things that are the most important in life, that are the way in that a person can communicate with other similar; and also, this profession allow teachers to help people to find their own way to relate themselves with the world, understand themselves, understand the reality in which they live, and starting from there they can know what they want to do with their life’s. Despite, this is not an easy job, that can make your feelings and emotions work pretty hard, this job can make you up too much, when you see that your words cause a positive change in people. I can talk about this special feeling, because I practice this with people around me, some relatives and friends, and this really make me feel good; also, this release you from some worries; for example, release you from think that they don’t know what way to take, I know it can sound sick, but for me is really helpful to know that people realize what they are doing, what are the consequences of their act, etc… With this I can contribute to a better world, in that I live too.
Something to add… I would say that money is not important, I mean those who just seek for money have a wrong perception of life… hahaha

jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010

La decadencia de la metira (Oscar Wilde) Code: Ir 822 W672d.E 2007 c. 1

In this book the author wants to show us the decline that art has had the latest decades. Also, He try to make a reflection on arts as the art of lie, In addition, we can say that lies are a kind of art too; because, is not something natural, on the contrary is something created by people.
Art is one of the most beautiful things in the world, because we can transform reality and nature into beauty with our imagination. Furthermore, if we think about art, we realized that is in everywhere that man has done something; since, men create ways to communicate something, making things more pleasant, or maybe just with the intention to show a point of view about something specific, or maybe a cosmo-vision; Nonetheless, it can be said, that nature is also art, but, is because someone can see it as art. For this reason, art is not something natural, because the human being is who construct reality from his own subjectivity.
In addition, contemporary artist, such as writers, they insist in try to make art more similar to reality, and that make art becomes in something quite distorted, and weird; owing to this, the author says that art has being decline. However, the author try to state that art is always being art, not reality, because that is the main characteristic of art, is been something subjective. Moreover, he talks about the lie within art, he reflect that the main guilty of the decadence in art is the bad use of lies, since writers are trying so hard to write something alike to life, that nobody is going to believe that it’s probably.
Personally I think, the scientific paradigm has transformed everything, they have changed the main concept of art that is the lie, and that is the writer tries to say; furthermore, contemporary artist try to prove everything, that they lost their capacity of create, or lie as the author call it. Lie is the most beautiful thing that humans have, and they are killing it.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Favorite website

First of all, I have to say that I don’t have a favorite website, because I not very into computers, but that doesn’t mean that I think that computer and internet is useless, actually I think that nowadays the internet is one of the most powerful tool that it have been created, because of its capacity of communicate; and also, the large variety of information that is not omitted; moreover, that is one of its best characteristics, since you can upload whatever you want to show and share with people, and then find people interested in the same things than you. That’s why I think, is a tool very useful to communicate and maybe to get communicate, that depends on the website you are watching. However, there are some websites are good; for example, the ones that want to inform, such as virtual newspapers, and there are plenty of blogs that are interesting, normally I found them when I’m looking for some specific topic. There is a magazine that I visit when I’m bored, because sometimes it has articles very interesting, is called: muyinteresante.es, if you are bored take a look in this website, maybe you can find something that strike your attention.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

The fee tuiton on education

I found a piece of news that talk about the fee of tuition on universities. It says the fee of tuition to enter to an university has increasing. To this situation the Education secretary said that they cannot do anything, because there are not resources to support the scholarship of every student. However, for this reason university student federations said that government could create a capital state found to pay or give more credits to more quantity of students. In the article the writer made a reflection of what are the consequences of the rise in the fee of college. They said that, if high educational system follows this economic structure in which students have to pay a very high cost for their tuition; then, students won’t have the chance of choose the program that they want, since they will be preferring programs that they could afford; otherwise, they will be taking that decision, because of the fee and not because of their own vocation.
In my opinion, what the article says is very true, since often students choose programs in which they are not very convinced, because they couldn’t afford the one they really wanted, because they don’t have the capacity to pay. I think that, is the wrong way to do things, since then we’ll have an unhappy society in which we would have people quite unpleasant with their jobs; for example, this situation happen often with teacher’s profession, that is the ones with lower cost, and as we can see, there are many teachers that are unmotivated with their job. In addition to this, I think that government should take the control of the fee in universities to make it more balanced in terms of the options that students will have.

This info was taken from:

domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010

Mr. Condom makes the difference

I think what Mr. Condom has done in Thailand it has been pretty important example to our world, because this person is focused on one of the main problems that undeveloped countries have. The problem is that overpopulation mixed with poverty, and this creates an unbalanced within the society, since, if there are too much population living in poverty, one of the alternatives to stop this situation is improving one of this two conditions. Although, to change poverty is a very difficult issue, and it isn’t a minor topic, I believe that first we must to start with a change into minds of people, not trying to solve poverty giving money, or whatever solution that tries to solve problems easily, and without thinking. Now, a way in that we can really help to this situation is spreading information, as it is showed in the program of Mr. Condom, there in Thailand the campaign to make people more aware about the topic in discussion was very strong, since there were people in everywhere, in every corner of the country spreading the information, and sealing the solution. I think Mr. Condom program has been very effective, since he attack the problem from the beginning. In addition, it is more important control the increase of population, since if they can’t afford their basic needs, then how they can cover needs of more members inside the house?, and moreover, how they can think in an effective way to solve their economic problems, if they just can think in fight with their daily needs.
I think is not difficult to find the solutions to some social problems, and this video help me to realized and understand that, because we just have to think a little bit in the problem, and with this I mean the origin of the problem, and then act, not doing things partially, since that don’t fix the problem. Also, another thing that this video leaves me thinking about is that the whole problems of society become from ignorance. And when I think of it, I feel very glad for have been chosen teaching as a job in my life. Otherwise, I would feel trapped seen the problem, but unable to do anything.

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010

My favourite song at the moment

the song is called "Help,I'm Alive",and is from Metric. This song have been stick in my head, since almost two months. At the first time, I like inmediately the music,I mean the sounds, I like when the sounds change. Then when I started listen to the lyrics, they have sense for me when it says "If I stumble, they gonna eat me alive", beacuse I really feel that if I stop, or if I fall down in this system that is going very fast, I'm going to be mash. Have you ever feel something like that?. Also,this song make me think about people who are apart of this system, such as beggars, and poor people in general, and people who had an awful life beacuse of the circumstances they have to pass, and I think they say as the song, "Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer", but we don't realized about it, but in the real sense, they are alive!. I think this society have to reconsider what it means being alive, face the problems, and don't pass over the problems. this song make me thik about all of this things.

This is the song: METRIC, Help,I'm Alive

I tremble
They're going to eat me alive
If I stumble
They're going to eat me alive

Can you hear my heart beating like a hammer?
Beating like a hammer?
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender

Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

If you're still alive
My regrets are few
If my life is mine
What shouldn't I do?
I get wherever I'm going
I get whatever I need
While my blood's still flowing
And my heart still beats . . .
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer
Hard to be soft
Tough to be tender

Come take my pulse, the pace is on a runaway train
Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

If you're still alive
My regrets are few
If my life is mine
What shouldn't I do?
I get wherever I'm going
I get whatever I need
While my blood's still flowing
And my heart still beats . . .
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer
Beating like a hammer

Help, I'm alive, my heart keeps beating like a hammer

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

Parias Urbanos ( Loic wacquant ) code: 305.56w115p.1a.ed.c.1

This book talks about the social segregation that different Nations started to have since 1980, with the consolidation of the capitalist system, and then free trade treatment. This kind of system has made a serious transformation within societies. To start with, the capitalist system segregates the society in two poles in that there are people who can afford their basical needs and more, and people who can not afford their basical needs, in simple words the “rich” and the “poor”. The tragical thing here is that this capitalist system has been taken as a natural thing, leaving those people separate of the society, since they can not participate if they don’t have the economical status to participate in this consumist system.
Secondly, the effects of this economic polarization it can be seen geografically, because of the communities that are marginalize have a specific territory in the urban cities. Also it can be seen the increase in robbers in marginal communities, this happen because of the lack of opportunities to work that people who live in this communities have. This is a cause of the discrimination existing in this kind of society, that stigmatized people who came form this marginalized area of the city.
Thirdly, the free trade has destroyed the economic life within the differents countries around the world, the small National companies, and the craftwork was destroyed by the bigger industries of massive production.
In addition, in some countries there are racism with some natives communities that inmigrates, such as afroamerican communities in Northamerica, and others countries has racism problems with their own natives communities. Society give them less opportunities to get an important job, so this maintain the segregation within societies.
All in all, the book contains plenty of examples of the circumstances in that live the differents marginated communities, and it gives you a complete analysis of how we get to this type of society, and how affect it.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010

National Holiday

In my opinion national holidays are just a way to reinforce a national sentimental. Nevertheless in my case I have a disagreement with the way in that they construct our Nation, just fights … and the Government likes to promote that fact, for instance in schools institutions teach children that the war is the way to get a piece of land, and they teach to adore war heroes, in conclusion all is military, and that make sick, since they never talk about the dialogue and communication in an effective way, the really understanding of the human life, etc.
I’ve never understood why Government gives help to Mapuches students, and schools try to give recognition, when they always have been seen Mapuche people like a threat to the country, and there has been an internal fight for years, I think that is very contradictory.
I have to say the only way in that I feel Mapuche is in the submission, and don’t ask me why… don you feel like that? You opinion have no place in this system. So I would say that I’m not feel very comfortable living in this kind of society, and even less I feel proud to be “Chilean”, I mean… what it means to be Chilean?

viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010

The Bluest Eye ( Toni Morrison) Code: 813M883.E

The story is about a black girl called Pecola, she belongs to avery poor and breake up family. Pecola is a girl who had sufered too much in life, since her father was alcoholic, and her mother a woman who live in an unreal world, because she think that the world was what she have seen in television: a happy and perfect white families. When in Pecola’s house there was conflicts, parents argues, etc. She used to hide her self, and she started to think in that she has beautyful blue eyes (as Shirley Temper) that made that everybody stop to fight and love her. However, The life of Pecola turns worse when her father raped her, and nobody could help her,she got pregnant, then she lost the baby, but her father rapes her again, finally she got crazy, and she assume that she got blue eyes (is a tragedy). The story is related by a very young girl (Claudia), a friend of Pecola, who despite to be younger than Pecola, she could see the world with sensibility and objectively, because she can not understand why she should want to be alike to a charcter that appears on TV, when she saw that everyone have a singular beauty and kindness.
In my opinion, the writer is trying to show the awful reality that the poor black people live, because of discrimination. They feel apart from the society since in that period of the history people were more racist and ignorant. furthermore, Afroamerican people lived something like a sub-life, in which they accepted their kind of life, or almost some of them really think that they were lower than a white person.
I think that, the main topic of the book is that create images in television or magazines are always telling us what is the concept of beauty, when basically, the concept of beauty is abstract. Moreover, maybe put icons of everything such as, beauty, fashion, to name but two, it makes society separates more, beacuse when you feel that you do not fit in with some trend, you tend to feel apart from the society.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Comunicación social para la paz (Guillermo Blanco) Code: 301.243B638

This book talks about a very important issue in our daily lives that is the communication. Human beings are made to communicated with the others, and depending how this communication is developed, we could have a better coexistence, in other words a peaceful community, in which there are respect for the others in their way of thought, and liberty to choose. Now a days our society has change the meaning of peace, for example now we can say that our country is in peace, beacuse we are not in a war. In this way giving a millitary meanig, since if we are not in war we are in peace, and that is the total opposing view that we can have about peace.
In addition, to have a point of view about the events that happened in our society the information is an essential point, since from there we get our oppinion, that is why the choose of the information sources is delicated and important. Most of the information that is given, it is processed by some people who print their personal interests there, when the informative media it supposed to show us the reality just like it is.
Personally I think, the most powerful relation that is showed in the book is the relation between population and the media, and how the media can manipulate our minds, giving us the wrong information in some cases. Furthermore, that is an attack to our liberty to free thought, because, how we can give an opinion if our bases are wrong?.
As the example in the beginning if we think that we live in a society with peace, we are worng in terms of the real meaning of peace. In our country our liberty to think and then choose are violate, because our information bases are influenced by the opinion of the people who want to control our thoughts. Therefore there is no peace in terms of an effective communication.
Taking this topic to my life, I remember that I never knew that the case of the swan dies, in Valdivia (2004), was so important, since that event affected our ecosystem, and moreover affected the rights of people there. We lieve in a supposed democratic country in which the goberment respect the diversity of opinions that people have, and the decisions that the citizens made. But in that case democracy, and the right to chose did not exist. As well in my case either for me, since I could not give a true opinion, because of I never knew the truth.

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

my visual DNA

For me the DNA test guess correctly in almost every point of the way in that I am, for example when it said that I'm quiet and relax, that is absolutely true, and also when it said that I'm homely, that's totally true too. I like be in my house and feel cozier, some times when I'm out side for a very long time, I start to miss my family anda my dogs, I mean my home; and I think... I can't believe that I'm so childish.
Among other things that the test said about my personality is that I like to share with my friends, and enjoy a nice conversation. In addition it said that I can see and appreciate the many ways in that art is expressing, I think that is also true.
However, refering to the test I would said that it was very fun, and funny because of the pictures that it shows that were quite illustrative, specially the ones in the section "gross", they were all definitely gross!!. Well, besides that, I like the way in that the description it shows, very precise.
All in all, it was very fun to do the test, I'll definitely recommend it, and I'm goig to spread a comment of this kind of test.

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

My winter break

This winter vacations I had lots of time to rest, and do whatever I wanted. The thing that I make sure to do was rest and sleep as much as I can, and being relax. Despite of my desire to do anything, I had to adapt my self to the requirements of my home, which are clean the house and do the cooking, with a few or nothing help of my brother, thats because my family there is too much chauvinism, and as the proverb said " if you can't get on with them, just join to them.." (or something like that), otherwise, I'll start a fight that never ends. So on weekends I just run away from my house (just joking). Also this vacations I have time to draw and paint with oil, I painted my boyfriend and me kissing each other, is a great piece of art, I think is a "master piece", since I did it with all my love, :p. To sum up my winter break, I would say that finally was relax.
Ah! and I saw Pancha sing in the karaoke the song "basket case" from Green day, and that was absolutely the funniest thing  that I did during vacations, she is a great singer, go! pancha go! wooo.