In my opinion national holidays are just a way to reinforce a national sentimental. Nevertheless in my case I have a disagreement with the way in that they construct our Nation, just fights … and the Government likes to promote that fact, for instance in schools institutions teach children that the war is the way to get a piece of land, and they teach to adore war heroes, in conclusion all is military, and that make sick, since they never talk about the dialogue and communication in an effective way, the really understanding of the human life, etc.
I’ve never understood why Government gives help to Mapuches students, and schools try to give recognition, when they always have been seen Mapuche people like a threat to the country, and there has been an internal fight for years, I think that is very contradictory.
I have to say the only way in that I feel Mapuche is in the submission, and don’t ask me why… don you feel like that? You opinion have no place in this system. So I would say that I’m not feel very comfortable living in this kind of society, and even less I feel proud to be “Chilean”, I mean… what it means to be Chilean?
Lately, Piñera is trying to reforce our "Chielan identity", this crap shows are not aceptable.